Monday, January 5, 2015

Holding On

Holding On 1/5/2015  

We go in
Neat clean and surgical
But then we come out
Exploding sideways
And leave a gaping would.

We never see it coming
And so we suffer all over again
With our fingers in our mouth
Burned just like yesterday. 

We stand at the precipice
And hesitate for a moment too long
So now we are left hanging
Without any choice at all.

I have been angry
But it didn’t change a thing
And then I tried to get away
But there is no escape
Without insanity or death. 

Out of options
There is no choice
But to endure
Straight ahead
And straight through. 

The wheels are set in motion
And they move slow and steady
Playing back a history
Already carved in stone. 

We live
But others sleep
More alive than dead
And left with a reason
To search and to know. 

Act swiftly
And without apology
At last knowing
Who you really are
And aspire to be. 

It was true before
And it is true now
That love conquers
And truth liberates. 

Hold on to that
And hold on with all your might
No matter how hard it gets
Or how much it hurts. 

It will hurt
But without pain
We would not have joy
At least not until all of this
Is gone in a day.

Look at yourself
And only then look at others
Because today is the day
That God said, would come. 

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