Thursday, January 8, 2015

Straight Simple

Straight Simple 1/8/2015

Loud and brassy
Like metal on metal
Grinding down the road
Like a gunslinger to Armageddon.

Skin cracked and bleeding
Smeared and frozen on my face
Staring straight ahead 
Tired but determined 
To face down the day.  .

Remember what it was like
Long ago and far away
In a long and cherished moment
Dusty and dark. 

Overwhelmed, overburdened
Regulated, and fake
The sterile environment of fear
And institutionalized lies.

We can get up 
Or we can lay down 
Finishing our own story 
In a single act.  

But either way 
We have to choose 
Or shrivel up 
And die.  

We can buy some time
And hide under our desk
Giving up slowly
One child at a time. 

Or we can shout it loud
The truth, beautiful and bold
Letting it go in a sheer blast
Of all that we are.

If my tongue is tied
Than so is my heart
And no man is free
If he cannot speak.

Now more than ever
The sun rises high
Burning white hot
Over our frozen face.

Time is not on our side
But God is alive
And in Christ
We have already won
Now and forever.  


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