Thursday, January 15, 2015

Night Watch

Night Watch 1/15/2015 

Not every dream
Can come true
And not every prayer
Shall receive an answer. 

Sometimes we weep
More than we laugh
And sometimes we suffer
For what it seems like
No reason at all. 

But, If we are to learn
Then sometimes we must suffer
Even if we must swallow our swords

I know there is a God
And that he loves me
Perhaps even enough
To correct me
When I am wrong. 

As a parent teaches a child
I must be scolded
And awakened from my slumber
Shaken enough, to open my eyes
And see. 

He could have let me sleep
And he could have let me at ease
But he wanted more for me
Than I knew to ask.  

This world has its glitter
And this world has its fun
But there is so much more
Beneath the surface
Just waiting to be discovered. 

I was thrown out
Into the cold
And I was beaten by circumstances
I could not control.  

I learned about the other side
The kind that we avoid
Judged and discarded
Like trash in a can.

I learned to forgive
Even when I didn’t want to
And I even learned to smile
When my guts were falling out. 

It just might be
That life stays the same
And that some of the things I wanted
I will never have.

And it just might be
That even the cruel
May prosper
And never suffer. 

But even in that happens
It may not be a blessing
Because many a man
Shall sleep walk his way
Into hell. 

Let the cruel be cruel
And let the proud be proud
Sleeping straight through
The night of Christ. 

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