Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Drinking Jar

The Drinking Jar 1/28/2015

It was cold
So I slept in my clothes
Covered up
And freezing over
In cold, clear, Carolina.

Rubbing my eyes
And stumbling forward
I guzzled coffee
Brown, and bitter
In deep, dark, Carolina.

A couple more days
And I will drive home
Burning through the memories
Stretching out behind. 

The wilderness calls
But the swamp keeps it’s secrets
As my mind drifts
In old, haunted, Carolina.

Take me back
And let us drink from jars
Laughing at life
And singing in a circle.

Let us embrace
And never let go
Hiding behind a white column
In warm, sweet, Carolina. 

Sliding downward
In our heads
We all need a moment
To think and recapture. 

It is happy
And it is sad
Like an old friend
Poignant, loyal
And poetic Carolina.      

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

Ambient Stream

Ambient Stream   1/23/2015

Drilled down
And filed away
Only to be covered over
Will secrets and lies. 

We are driven
And then we are used
As victims are lured
And cut off at the knees.

Some think it’s better
If they never look to long
As they calmly smoke a cigarette
After soaking up the blood.

But if you want to see
Then you have to question
And if you want to change
Then you have to seek.  

You can think this way
Or you can think that
But if you can’t see the problem
Then nothing will work.  

There are many things
That no one has heard
Explained away and hidden
Right under your nose.  

We know but do nothing
And we feel but swallow it down
Sighing outwardly
And dying inwardly
Another day up
And another day down. 

Someone else was taken
And someone else was lost
All of it unnecessary
And all of predictable. 

Protected by the thinnest of margins
We live in decline and decay
Blind victims of vanishing morays
And sunk in the canal. 

We hunch our backs
And lower our heads
Stumbling forward
Into the valley. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A hole in the wall

A hole in the wall   1/22/2015

It is true
That a lot can happen
Just before the end
Especially when its predetermined
And the fix is always in. 

It took me a long time to know
That I, was the broken bird
Helped along in the sky
By others greater and stronger.

The blows come
Hard and heavy
Crushing our spirit
Like a weight around the neck.  

But though we be
Sick and gray
A part of us remains
Inwardly strong.  

I dug a hole in the wall
And made my escape
Tunneling out under
Guilt and regret. 

My wings are healed
And now I can fly
As I ride the current
Swift, sure, and high.

Reality matters more
And the truth most of all
One in the same
And true every day. 

That is what
We should lean on
Just as good today
As it ever was.  

So let them spin the cylinder
And play chicken with God
Gambling with eternity
Proud, dead, and dumb

Let the liars lie
And hate in their hearts
Past, present, and future
Until the very end.  

They have crossed the Charles River
And now comes the call
Wake up
And get ready
You, me, and all.   

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ice High

Ice High 1/21/2015

The silence is everything
And nothing can break it
Like a secret long buried
Under miles of ice.

Don’t ask me
If it is fair
Because you already know
That it’s not. 

Suppressed, and hidden
In the blackest shadows
Are the reasons we endure
And suffer.  

God gave us everything
But we always want more
Taking credit for everything
And thinking of ourselves.

I have been far away from here
In another time and place
But where ever we go
We are always the same.  

There is always war
Acknowledged or not
And there is always murder
Hidden and done.

Obstacles are removed
And secrets buried
Just to keep it quiet
And keep us, as fools. 

In my dreams
I have been there
And in my heart
I have known. 

Good, and evil
Worry, and waste
Deep, dark and secret
The one and only cure.

Eternity calls
But who will hear?
Too busy being scared
And hiding underground.

Fearless and free
The good and the courageous
Now more than ever
Authentic and undefeated.  

Hated, hunted
And shot in the back
One and all
Hidden and dark. 

Nothing is, at it seems
But the truth is screaming in our ears
Watching everything
And knowing nothing. 

Find me
And I’ll find you
Know me
And I will know you. 

God is still bigger
And that is best of all
Because he watches all
You, me, and them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Louder  1/20/2015

Is it luck
Or coincidence
That if you stretch out your neck
Someone will chop it off.

The most dangerous enemy
Is the one behind
The one you did not know
Hungered for your life.

Many eat the food
Set in a dish
Gobbling it up
And begging for more.

But more and more
Even fools are awakened
As the math adds up
Two, four and six.

You can see it
And you can feel it
Underneath the lies
The spreading of knowledge
And truth. 

We hunger for what is real
And eat whenever we can
But the fix is always in
Predictable and bland.

Rehearsed and predictable
The winners and the losers
A make believe fairly tale
Masquerading as real. 

If you can think
Then you can imagine
But if you can grow
Then nothing is impossible.

The hard work
Is ahead
Because evil never sleeps
And never gives up.  

Hiding in the underbrush
And waiting to strike
When we get bored
And we get tired.

Underneath the drama
And behind the hashtag
There remains the narrative
Relentlessly moving
In only one direction. 

As individuals we know
And as a group we try
With what little we have
In spite of lies.

But often
Even many voices
Are ignored
As if it never happened. 

The message is clear
That it does not matter
In the hopes that you will go
And calmly disappear.   

But my money
Is on the rebel
Sticking around
Longer than expected.

Rising up
And opening his mouth
With everything to gain
And nothing to lose. 

Against the grain
Pushing up
And pushing out
No matter how useless it seems
Or how much they are attacked