Friday, March 21, 2014


Today is gray
Gray as concrete
And gray as steel
Hard, cold, impersonal
Formless, dumb, and dead.

Even gray can be beautiful
But like all things
It is what we make it
And this was all an afterthought
Ill conceived and fake.

Built to fail
And built to repair
The crumbling face
Of urban blight.

Sinking under it's own weight
Unsustainable and rotten
Leveraged on the backs of others
Without their consent.

In all of this
There is a message
Telling you and telling me
Who is blamed
And who is hated.

The blood moon rises
Dead in the night
A ghostly sign
Of betrayal and judgment.

See the warnings
Blazing in your mind
That something is wrong
And that everything you hear
Is a lie.

Fixed, fake, and wasted
The bread we eat
And the shows we watch
All manufactured to entertain
And delude.

Nothing but cheap distractions
And poor propaganda
Dumbing us down
And cutting our throat.

Dream a dream for me
And pray that it is real
Because even nightmares can come true
When we all, fall asleep.

The fires burn brightest
In the blackest of nights
And so also, shall the good
Shine like the sun.

I am nothing at all
Nothing but a piece of trash
Thrown out with the bones
And newspaper.

But now is the time
That losing is good
Because nothing is won
When nothing is earned.

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