Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Counting Sheep

Counting Sheep   3/5/2014

Smell the smoke
Curling in your nostrils
And hear the sound
Of deadly silence.

More than enough to guess
And only a fool would deny
The obvious abuse
And murderous lies.

But this should be
No surprise at all
Because evil men
Have no heart, conscience
Or soul.   

Cold, cruel, and detached
They love to blame and punish
Even if they must hurt themselves
To punish those they hate.

It is a pathological problem
Of self-evident evil
That no drug can cure
Completely resistant to logic
Or mercy. 

Cruel, jealous and uncompromising
They must win everyday
As they keep it all going
Using every trick
And every deception.

But someday even this must fall
In a mountain of bricks
Collapsing on both the evil
And the good. 

Sometimes we are lucky
And sometimes we are not
But either way
It gets worse
Than anything
We feared. 

Lock the door
And swivel your head 
Because even the innocent
Are hunted and killed. 

Culled from the herd
When least expected
And watched every day
By sadistic predators.

Others may cling
To money or position
Selling out their friends
And betraying their neighbors.

But even they
Cannot buy peace
As it follows them all
Like a weight on the neck. 

Dragging them down
No matter who much they fight
Down into the depths
Where no one can hear. 

It is dark in the deep
Impenetrable and hidden
As good a place as any
To struggle against the past.  

Now is the time
To be sorry
And now is the time
To make amends. 

Perfection will not happen
But forgiveness is free
Now more than ever
A lamp in the dark. 

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