Monday, March 24, 2014

Seven Year Letter

Seven Year Letter  3/24/2014

I read a letter
But it took a long time to write
After seven years of waiting
I could finally see
What I needed to know.  

One thing
Will always lead to another
As the ripples spread outwards
In ever widening circles.

The years go by
And we rise and fall
Either learning how to swim
Or sinking to the bottom. 

I remember and I pray
Struggling to stay awake
To finish what I started
And learn to live forever.

We can always ask
And that is what I have done
Because God is always there
And knows everything.

I am still falling
And I don’t know
Where I will land
But either way
I bounce and I roll.

Everything is a gift
If you try hard and think
Taking it all in
And breathing it all out.

Every injury
And every insult
Melts away
And we repair ourselves
From the inside out. 

Time slips by
But I have not lost a thing
Because even time runs out
And becomes something else. 

I am myself
And I am yours
Now and forever
We will all have each other.

My mistakes
And my missteps
Have made me who I am
But only because I keep trying
Over and over again. 

The best days
Are yet to come
Even if we cannot see them
And all appears lost. 

If we believe
We remain undefeated
And if we keep going
Everything is ours. 

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