Monday, March 17, 2014

Eye of the Emerald

Emerald  3/17/2014

Hold me tightly
And do not let me go
Lest I fall backwards
And disappear. 

Memories must mean something
Or we would forget them all
Embedded in my brain
Perfect, and pristine. 

No one knows
And no one understands
But maybe that’s because
I am silent
And guarded. 

I am two halves
One pretend
And the other real
One on the outside
And one on the other.

I make myself meek
And I control my emotions
Keeping my head above the waves
Crashing all around me.

Water is eternal
Cool, refreshing, and serene
Holding me up
And pulling me down. 

I sit on a cushion
With my back against the wall
Remembering other days
And a mish mash of people.

Scattered around my life
Closer and further away
But always close enough
To feel and touch. 

I am happy
And the glass is cold
As I lift it up
And drink it down. 

This is for you
And this is for them
All who I have known
And loved. 

There will always be more
And there is nothing to fear
Because what we lose
Is what we share. 

I wish I had known
Because it’s made all the difference
As I have finally learned
What it means to love.

There is no more angst
And There are no expectations
Nothing but that feeling
Above and below
And all around. 

It is not too late
To have what matters
Because everything else
Is really nothing at all. 

Everything is better
And all my thoughts are peaceful
Even in uncertainty
And even in turmoil. 

Like a green emerald
Deep, hypnotic, and beautiful
Created just for me
And for you. 

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