Monday, March 10, 2014

J Turn

J Turn 3/10/2014

Flip this coin over
And you just might understand
That every single thing
Can still lead
To something good. 

The avatar is me
As I inhabit this flesh
Worn for one lifetime,
And then shed
For something else. 

We are going through a change
And it will always be a struggle
Because if we never struggled
Life would have
No point at all.

I am not the same person
That I used to be
And tomorrow I will feel differently
Than how I feel today.

I could look at the bad
Or I could, flip it over
Turning it in to something else
And make it right.

We could always quit
And we can always argue
Or maybe we might remember
And weep. 

But either way
Here we are
And either way
This is the rest.

Some try to pick things apart
And always find the flaws
Ridiculing what others forgot
And pointing out their mistakes.

But that is easy
And that is cheap
Unless you offer to help
And look for the good.

There will always be heartache
And there will always be loss
But each and every time
There is a lesson to learn. 

I am more than I was
And fear, no longer wins
Not since I woke up
And not since I rose.  

I can love
And I can give
No matter how much I lose
Because I’ll always have more
And get bigger every day. 

Nothing is impossible
Because that is the biggest lie
The oldest deception in the book
To make us give in
And make us give up. 

In the end
I doesn’t matter
If they think I am clever
And I could care less
If they think I am smart.

What matters is the truth
Because anything less, is a joke
As they keep fighting with themselves
And swinging at smoke. 

It is their world, that is dying
But it’s doubtful that they notice
Too self-absorbed to appreciate
Reality beating down the door.

They can go ahead and blame others
But it will not change a thing
Because they will never truly examine
The hatred within their soul. 

Imagine letting go
And seeing it all anew
Through the eyes of someone else
Who never hurt you at all. 

This will all pass away
Yes even the convenient little lies
Piled up on the ash heap
And burned all over again.  

Learning can only flourish
Where there is freedom
And freedom can only survive
Where there is truth. 

All this is fake
And all of it is dumb
Just another rehash
Of someone else’s past.

Take on the greater risk
And take on the greater task
Building up the good
And loving them 
With all your heart. 

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