Friday, March 28, 2014


Foreshadow 3/28/2014

Another day
And another story
Lulling us to sleep
Because when we sleep
Anything can happen.

If you don’t hold your ground
Then the fall will be easy
As you give up, an inch at a time
Until there is nothing left.

Devalued, dehumanized
Defeated and dead
The once lofty beliefs
We abandon
And forget. 

Lives are cheapened
Expendable and unimportant
As the innocent are sacrificed
To collectivist Gods.

Make a ripple
And make a splash
Filling the sky
With exploding colors.

Watch it all happen
As everything we knew
Is blown to smithereens
By the hateful
And the deluded. 

Without any proof
And without any justification
The sacred laws rejected
To murder who they want. 

Free men do great things
But that requires freedom
The liberty to use ours gifts
And pursue our dreams.

But with freedom
There are no guarantees
And the outcome is decided
By God.

The hive seeks to enslave
And replicate
Killing all thought
And individual expression. 

The ancients saw the shadows
And now we see the blood
Pouring out in a sea of murder
Drowning us all. 

Drag this thought
On your way through the streets
But be careful
What you say
And what you do.

Because what you see is the truth
But what you hear is a lie
Disconnected and jarring
The difference
And the warning. 

We are all looping over
On our way to somewhere else
But our destinations
Depend on something
Not determined by man. 

Everything that was
Will be again
And all that was lost
Will be restored. 

The dead will rise
Yes even the murdered
And the euthanized
To bear the damning witness
To all that is and was.

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