Monday, March 31, 2014


Scorpion-ed  3/31/2014

From order comes control
And from chaos comes the chance
As random combinations 
Split off and vibrate.

Life is beautiful
If we would just allow it
Expecting nothing 
And appreciating everything.
We live our lives
In one of two ways
Either in becoming entangled
Or disentangling.

It is hard to let go
But sometimes we must
Because until we do
We remain a prisoner
And a slave.

We cannot grasp
What is higher
If we cling to what is known
Even if it is hard
And makes us cry.

I am not free
And it hurts anyway
As I either drag it all behind me
Or sling it
On my back. 

There is much left undone
Unfinished and incomplete
And that is why
I beat myself up
Every single day.

I know, I should say goodbye
And never look back
But everywhere I go
There is always something
Pulling me back. 

Words are easy
And how many empty promises
Have we made  
And broken?. 

It takes courage
To do what is right
Because there are no quick rewards
Or obvious benefits. 

We know what is right
But we always give in
And we always give up
Letting ourselves wash away
Down the path
Of least resistance.

But there is a blessing
Inside of any hardship
Because it is only then
That we remember
To be thankful.

Let the droplets fall
And merge together
Tumbling down our backs
On our way to the end. 

Let the mighty ships sail
And let the parasites kill
Tightening their grip
Around each other’s throat.

This world is theirs
And in it ,
They will rot
Having had every chance
To reject, and leave.

Anyone can pray
But only the good
Will know for what
As all the others
Succumb to doubt
And distraction. 

Evil slithers
In the smallest of cracks
Eating our brains
With meaningless diversions.

It comes in the middle of the night
To tug at our feelings
And slit our throat
Always when you least expect it
The terrible creeping grief.

But if evil can occur
In the bewitching hour
Then so also can the good
And the just. 

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