Thursday, March 6, 2014


 Scars 3/6/2014

Drip, drip, drip
The days of hope and fervor
Slowly melt away
Leaving us cold and angry
Weary and bland.  

But it’s not that we don’t care
It’s because we are beaten
Remembering all too well
What it means
To try and suffer. 

We extended our hand
And brought it back empty
As we held out hope
That we would be loved
Or appreciated.

We trusted
And we hoped
But then we were stabbed
And murdered.

Forgotten in a heartbeat
Like a bump in the road
Just another necessary evil
On their way to something else. 

We wear the scars
And we bear the burden
Sacrificing all
For promises

Rising up
And falling down
Even when we know
There is no hope at all. 

I know what it feels like
To give all you can
And look backwards
Wishing it were more. 

We all could have been more
And yes we could have been better
But what good is it to regret
What we can never change.

But if only we understood
We would not give up
But instead we would remember
Who it is we are
And what it is we seek.

The heart is bottomless
And the spirit is strong
Stronger in weakness and humility
Than it is in riches and pride. 

Every day
We are new again
Even though we age
And even though we die.

The world is dying
But even in the end
We still have each other
And we still have forever.

The greatest victories
Are still ahead
Even if they are hard to see
And hard to measure. 

God is with us
Right here
And right now
Stronger than man
And greater than the world.  

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