Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Bled  3/25/2014

If it smells like death
Then it probably is
As the beasts spread
And disease kills.  

The breathing dead
Spread like locusts
Taking everything
And producing nothing.

Inevitable comes the end
Because good men
Did nothing but wait
Wasting precious time
Hoping for someone else.

So much for being nice
And so much for giving in
The reward of the sheep
Led to the slaughter. 

Glued to the television
And entertained to death
We hold our phones to our face
And drive off a cliff. 

Unaware and stupid
Dumb, useless and dead
We cower in our cars
And look the other way. 

But everything that is false
Always evaporates with time
As the false safety we enjoyed
Has already disappeared.

If you haven’t felt it yet
Then I am afraid you will
The pain that doubles you over
And leaves you gasping for air. 

Because this is the season of betrayal
When the good turn on each other
As their weaknesses are exposed
And exploited. 

One step leads to another
And everything falls back to earth
With every evil there is a payment
And for every payment
An orgy of blood.  

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