Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Side to Side

Side to Side 3/19/2014

Some things never change
But always stay the same
No matter how far you go
Or how hard you try. 

Inertia and gravity
Tug on the heart
Pulling us all back
To the dull
And the mean. 

Like a bruised heart
That bleeds on forever
Life just keeps beating
And hurting every day.

We are all tired
And who hasn’t felt
The disappointment
And lethargy.

It is a struggle to keep going
And no matter what we speak
The deaf cannot hear
And the blind cannot see.

The world goes on
And spins off center
Skewed and weighted
Against the good
And the kind. 

And we just keep on reeling
From one punch to another
Gasping for breath
And trying to regain our balance. 

But equilibrium never comes
And true justice remains elusive
As we wait
And as we age. 

I wish I had an answer
And I wish I could understand the truth
As to why I am crushed
Over and over again. 

Like a knife to the kidneys
I fell forward on my knees
Unable to stop
What I did not see coming. 

Brutal, cold, and cruel
Are evil men
Coveting everything
And giving nothing. 

For them
Words are just words
And lies are just tools
Anything to get what they want
And take what they need.

But it’s never enough
And the jealousy continues
As they unceasingly search for ways
To remind you
They have won. 

Do not give up
Even though
There is no more hope
But wade into the enemy
Slashing at every side. 

But always wear a smile
Even though it hurts
Because that is how they will know
That you are here
And have already won. 

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