Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cold Passage

Cold Passage   3/18/2014

It was never easy
And it’s not easy now
But that is the difference
Between perseverance
And arrogance.

If you put nothing in
And get everything out
What will happen in the end
When you wind up empty
And vain. 

As obvious as the sun
The stupidity of man
Always sucking off someone else
And taking everything he can. 

So what are we to do?
Now that we have seen
And now that we know
The difference between
Good and bad,
Right and wrong.

Now there can be no excuse
And now there can be no regret
But only the here and now
To do all we can.

There is no time to waste
Because those days are gone
As we slowly creep by
Ice bergs in the water.

The worst part
Is beneath the surface
Unseen and unknown
Bigger than what you see
And much more deadly.

Some are slaughtered
Whether we notice or not
While others are tortured
And dumped in the dirt.

In the middle of the night
The heavy silence persists
In spite of the screams
And all of the lies. 

It’s not okay
Not then
And not now
As we shuffle our feet
On our way to the end. 

Too careful to live
And too dumb to see
We give up in small degrees
Everything that matters
One, two, three.

But the truth persists
In the back of our minds
As our numbers dwindle
And our memory fades.

No excuses
And no apologies
Not here
Not now
Not ever. 

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