Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Depth Charge

Depth Charge 3/26/2014

At the bottom of a lake
And at the bottom of the sea
There are secrets
And there are lies. 

No one but God
Knows the secrets
Hidden In the hearts of men
At least not for now.

Everything I do
And every word I type
Is taken somewhere else
Stored and searched
For loyalty or crimes.

But if I am loyal to a lie
Then what have I become?
Nothing but a mindless drone
Lethal, soulless and dead.

We are the unprotected
And our secrets
Will never be safe
Keeping us paid
And keeping us in line.

But spies won’t catch
Any criminals
And it won’t catch
Any killers. 

They walk among us
Immune and protected
While the good are singled out
For occulted sacrifice. 

The truth is all around us
And yes it really matters
In our choices and in our lives
Above, below
And deep inside the soul. 

Sometimes you can see the intentions
And sometimes you cannot
And even the most alert and vigilant
Have been murdered in their prime.

Not everything you see is real
And not everything you wish
Can come true
Yes even those things
That make us feel better
in the here and now. 

We can talk all day
And we can speculate until the end
But always think
About the motives of men.    

Many men love power
And many are full of themselves
But even they are followed by shadows
Foolish and unaware.    

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