Friday, March 7, 2014


Juggernaut      3/7/2014

I never felt worthy
And I guess, I was right
But everyone is right sometimes
Even now
And even me. 

I thought that, I was happy
And I thought that, I was okay
But in the end
I was a piece of trash
To use, and throw away.

That is life
But even this 
Is not all bad
Because if it, was too easy
We would just pretend forever.

I was fattened up
And attacked from behind
My heart pierced
And my throat cut. 

Without warning
And without cause
Thrown away
Like nothing at all. 

What can I say?
And how can I explain?
What happened to me
And what could happen to you.

There are things you can’t explain
No matter how hard you try
And it’s easy for others to judge
If they have never experienced
Anything like the same. 

Useless as it can be
And a waste of your time
Like licking rust off a shovel
And digging dirt with your hands. 

Words have no teeth
If you are afraid to explore
And woe to them
Who have never risked
Or grown. 

The world runs up
And hits you on the head
Like a coward in the night
Laughing all the way.

Evil, stupid, stunted, and vicious
This is what, you will see
But only if you are lucky
And not already dead.

These words are mine
And I am coming for them
And ravenous.

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