Monday, March 31, 2014


Scorpion-ed  3/31/2014

From order comes control
And from chaos comes the chance
As random combinations 
Split off and vibrate.

Life is beautiful
If we would just allow it
Expecting nothing 
And appreciating everything.
We live our lives
In one of two ways
Either in becoming entangled
Or disentangling.

It is hard to let go
But sometimes we must
Because until we do
We remain a prisoner
And a slave.

We cannot grasp
What is higher
If we cling to what is known
Even if it is hard
And makes us cry.

I am not free
And it hurts anyway
As I either drag it all behind me
Or sling it
On my back. 

There is much left undone
Unfinished and incomplete
And that is why
I beat myself up
Every single day.

I know, I should say goodbye
And never look back
But everywhere I go
There is always something
Pulling me back. 

Words are easy
And how many empty promises
Have we made  
And broken?. 

It takes courage
To do what is right
Because there are no quick rewards
Or obvious benefits. 

We know what is right
But we always give in
And we always give up
Letting ourselves wash away
Down the path
Of least resistance.

But there is a blessing
Inside of any hardship
Because it is only then
That we remember
To be thankful.

Let the droplets fall
And merge together
Tumbling down our backs
On our way to the end. 

Let the mighty ships sail
And let the parasites kill
Tightening their grip
Around each other’s throat.

This world is theirs
And in it ,
They will rot
Having had every chance
To reject, and leave.

Anyone can pray
But only the good
Will know for what
As all the others
Succumb to doubt
And distraction. 

Evil slithers
In the smallest of cracks
Eating our brains
With meaningless diversions.

It comes in the middle of the night
To tug at our feelings
And slit our throat
Always when you least expect it
The terrible creeping grief.

But if evil can occur
In the bewitching hour
Then so also can the good
And the just. 

Friday, March 28, 2014


Foreshadow 3/28/2014

Another day
And another story
Lulling us to sleep
Because when we sleep
Anything can happen.

If you don’t hold your ground
Then the fall will be easy
As you give up, an inch at a time
Until there is nothing left.

Devalued, dehumanized
Defeated and dead
The once lofty beliefs
We abandon
And forget. 

Lives are cheapened
Expendable and unimportant
As the innocent are sacrificed
To collectivist Gods.

Make a ripple
And make a splash
Filling the sky
With exploding colors.

Watch it all happen
As everything we knew
Is blown to smithereens
By the hateful
And the deluded. 

Without any proof
And without any justification
The sacred laws rejected
To murder who they want. 

Free men do great things
But that requires freedom
The liberty to use ours gifts
And pursue our dreams.

But with freedom
There are no guarantees
And the outcome is decided
By God.

The hive seeks to enslave
And replicate
Killing all thought
And individual expression. 

The ancients saw the shadows
And now we see the blood
Pouring out in a sea of murder
Drowning us all. 

Drag this thought
On your way through the streets
But be careful
What you say
And what you do.

Because what you see is the truth
But what you hear is a lie
Disconnected and jarring
The difference
And the warning. 

We are all looping over
On our way to somewhere else
But our destinations
Depend on something
Not determined by man. 

Everything that was
Will be again
And all that was lost
Will be restored. 

The dead will rise
Yes even the murdered
And the euthanized
To bear the damning witness
To all that is and was.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Depth Charge

Depth Charge 3/26/2014

At the bottom of a lake
And at the bottom of the sea
There are secrets
And there are lies. 

No one but God
Knows the secrets
Hidden In the hearts of men
At least not for now.

Everything I do
And every word I type
Is taken somewhere else
Stored and searched
For loyalty or crimes.

But if I am loyal to a lie
Then what have I become?
Nothing but a mindless drone
Lethal, soulless and dead.

We are the unprotected
And our secrets
Will never be safe
Keeping us paid
And keeping us in line.

But spies won’t catch
Any criminals
And it won’t catch
Any killers. 

They walk among us
Immune and protected
While the good are singled out
For occulted sacrifice. 

The truth is all around us
And yes it really matters
In our choices and in our lives
Above, below
And deep inside the soul. 

Sometimes you can see the intentions
And sometimes you cannot
And even the most alert and vigilant
Have been murdered in their prime.

Not everything you see is real
And not everything you wish
Can come true
Yes even those things
That make us feel better
in the here and now. 

We can talk all day
And we can speculate until the end
But always think
About the motives of men.    

Many men love power
And many are full of themselves
But even they are followed by shadows
Foolish and unaware.    

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Bled  3/25/2014

If it smells like death
Then it probably is
As the beasts spread
And disease kills.  

The breathing dead
Spread like locusts
Taking everything
And producing nothing.

Inevitable comes the end
Because good men
Did nothing but wait
Wasting precious time
Hoping for someone else.

So much for being nice
And so much for giving in
The reward of the sheep
Led to the slaughter. 

Glued to the television
And entertained to death
We hold our phones to our face
And drive off a cliff. 

Unaware and stupid
Dumb, useless and dead
We cower in our cars
And look the other way. 

But everything that is false
Always evaporates with time
As the false safety we enjoyed
Has already disappeared.

If you haven’t felt it yet
Then I am afraid you will
The pain that doubles you over
And leaves you gasping for air. 

Because this is the season of betrayal
When the good turn on each other
As their weaknesses are exposed
And exploited. 

One step leads to another
And everything falls back to earth
With every evil there is a payment
And for every payment
An orgy of blood.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

Seven Year Letter

Seven Year Letter  3/24/2014

I read a letter
But it took a long time to write
After seven years of waiting
I could finally see
What I needed to know.  

One thing
Will always lead to another
As the ripples spread outwards
In ever widening circles.

The years go by
And we rise and fall
Either learning how to swim
Or sinking to the bottom. 

I remember and I pray
Struggling to stay awake
To finish what I started
And learn to live forever.

We can always ask
And that is what I have done
Because God is always there
And knows everything.

I am still falling
And I don’t know
Where I will land
But either way
I bounce and I roll.

Everything is a gift
If you try hard and think
Taking it all in
And breathing it all out.

Every injury
And every insult
Melts away
And we repair ourselves
From the inside out. 

Time slips by
But I have not lost a thing
Because even time runs out
And becomes something else. 

I am myself
And I am yours
Now and forever
We will all have each other.

My mistakes
And my missteps
Have made me who I am
But only because I keep trying
Over and over again. 

The best days
Are yet to come
Even if we cannot see them
And all appears lost. 

If we believe
We remain undefeated
And if we keep going
Everything is ours.