Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Nowhere to Nevermore

Nowhere to Nevermore 3/19/2013

Under the red lights
Life becomes surreal
Enough to make your ears ache
And your nostrils burn.

A place where the days blend together
And there is nothing but night
Where all the ghosts gather
And destroy what they see.

It was then
That I thought I knew
What was plastic
And what was real
But I never knew a fucking thing
And maybe I never will.

I had my dark secrets
And I had my plastic princess
Snaking my way through a crowd
On my way
From nowhere to nevermore.

I painted my black clothes
With white verses
And I screamed out my screed
Until my voice was gone
And my eyes were empty.

I drank as much as I could
And I fell down the stairs
Laughing on my back
Because I didn’t feel a thing.

Life goes on
But sometimes it doesn’t
With nothing but a few split seconds
Between now
And forever.

The curtains have closed
Heavy, wet, and black
Shutting out the sun
And memory.

Some still live
And some are dead
Waiting for me
And circling
Over my head.

Concrete is concrete
And velvet is velvet
Nothing but a blank canvas
To paint, rip, and trash.

If I am here
And someone might listen
What are the odds of that?
Greater than the grains of sand
Burning under my feet.

Time slips away
One drop at a time
But when the spirit creates
All things are new.

I am better than before
Because now I can see
That every moment is precious
And beautiful.

Life can kick you around
And bloody your nose
But if you can still imagine
You can still grow.

My friends are with me now
I can feel them in my veins
And we can all live forever
Just like I knew we would.

Someday you will see me
And everything will be understood
All wounds healed
And all loss forgotten.

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