Monday, March 25, 2013

Dead Crickets

Dead Crickets 3/25/2013

You have heard the sound before
Crickets chirping on a summer night
A comforting rhythmic reminder
Of many seasons gone by.

But today there are no crickets
And there is no shouting
As people hurry on their way to work
Without ever
Turning around.

No one chants
And no one protests
Because only the murdered are voiceless
And man has no shame.

The world is silent today
Just like I knew it would be
Because it no longer matters
What is right
Or what is wrong
But only how it looks
And what it costs.

Maybe you didn’t hear
Because the truth is suppressed
But there is death in the streets
And blood on their hands.

Unthinkable and horrific
Animalistic and base
As pure a hatred
As man ever knew.

Where is the press?
And where is the truth?
Nothing but a footnote
In a sea of lies.

It is time to break the silence
And time to shatter the lies
With unapologetic truth
Because it could be you
And it could be me.

They have not seen hell
But hell is never far
Opening its mouth
And dripping with acid.

Do not forget
And do not relax
But instead make your plans
For today and tomorrow.

They can kill many
But they will never win
Because something is coming
That they do not know
And does not know them.

They will search
And they can track
But they will never find
This white ghost
In a black castle.

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