Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Charnel House

The Charnel House 3/21/2013

I wish that I could say
That it’s all right
But words are not enough
And that will never be okay.

The bottom will fall out
Just as it always does
And we will sink even further
Than where we are now.

In the end
Everyman pays the price
Even if they meant no harm
And tried their best.

We were set up to fail
And we are paid to be quiet
But nothing lasts forever
And neither will this.

Everything is fake
And everything is pretend
Perfect on the outside
And ruined within.

We learned about the past
But thought we were immune
Just because of our blindness,
Arrogance and greed.

But we live in a bubble
Floating precariously over an abyss
Lied to all our lives
That all roads
Lead to God.

The bubble will pop
Because that is what they do
And then we will fall
All the way down.

If it could happen to one
It can happen to all
And if it happened before
It always will again.

Just because we are fine
Does not mean that
We will survive
And just because we live
Does not mean
We cannot die.

We have built a beast
And now it totters and falls
Overwhelmed by the parasites
Riding on its back.

I was not the first to suffer
And I am not unique
But I asked to follow
Without comprehending
Or understanding.

I do not regret the cost
Because now I can see
That what I am
Is far better
Than what I might have been.

One thing led to another
And I lost all I had
Falling deep down into the pit
Where no light can escape.

It starts in the stomach
And doubles you over with pain
The realization of heartless cruelty
And how it feels to beg.

But even the worst
Is better than you think
And even disgrace
Worn with dignity
Is greater than comfort.

Remember this
When your guts are falling out
And you have no hope
Because that will be the moment
When the highest honor shall dangle
Only one choice away.

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