Friday, March 22, 2013

Black Widow

Black Widow 3/22/2013

Sometimes people
Get a second chance
But sometimes they are finished
Before they ever knew.

It doesn’t matter
What we admit
And it doesn’t matter
What we pretend.

The truth remains
Whether we accept it
Or reject it
Recorded in our heart
And embedded in our brains.

To set us free
Or spread like cancer
Metastasizing into everything
We say and do.

You can call me good
Or you can call me evil
But never call me indifferent
Or ambivalent.

The curse of man
Is to be statist
Unable to act
Until it’s too late.

Frozen in place
By irrational fear
Until we run out of choices
And we are forced
To fight or die.

My blood has been sucked
And now I am dry
White as a sheet
And dead to the world.

Passed over and forgotten
But just for a time
Until I am needed
And arise from the grave.

Vengeance is useless
And punishment unfair
For how can I measure
How much I gave
And how much I lost.

Dream me a dream
And pretend we are alive
Feeling all those feelings
That we all used to feel.

Conjure up some words
And whisper them in my ear
To help me remember
All that we once had.

Tell me you love me
Or curse me to hell
Because it was never enough before
And it sure isn’t now.

Come closer
And look into my soul
Seeing all that I have seen
And knowing all that I know.

I am not defeated
And I have not disappeared
Hovering forever
Inside of their heads.

They can stew in their juices
And sizzle like fat
Flashing in the pan
And gone forever.

Here I am
But where are you?
Same as it ever was
And always will be.

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