Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision 3/26/2013

Just because you cannot see it
Does not mean
That it’s not there
Just a step away
On the other side of time.

The particles travel
Faster than light
From one place to another
In different forms and masses.

What was
Will be again
And what is
Will vanish forever.

Our thoughts create reality
And this one is fading fast
Because no one cares
And everyone runs.

Animals cannot know
What man plans and thinks
And neither can man retrieve
What he never had.

The spark is snuffed out
Without love and understanding
Extinguished before they ever knew
Or embraced God.

Something is inside us
Determining our steps
A guide and a destiny
Written in our genes.

We can lose or we can win
But the destiny remains
More a product of our character
Than our means.

The world lifts up
And the world crushes
Under the weight of ignorance
And envy.

What took so long to build
Is destroyed in a day
By the ugliness of man
The refined becomes crude
And crass.

Taught to idolize themselves
And taught to blame others
Selfish, entitled,
Shallow and dumb.

Falling down
And falling away
Crushed by the avalanche
That they started.

Wax melts
And insects multiply
Same as they always did
Until the poison
Kills them all.

The good and the bad
Live and die
But only the good
Die once
And live forever.

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