Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Click 3/27/2013

Somewhere deep inside
A light switches on
And a long dead part of the self
Awakes and shrugs off
Centuries of sleep.

That part we forgot
But never truly lost
A deep and dark
Of who we really are.

Many have forgotten
The ancient blood
Running in our veins
And remaining dormant
In our brains.

But every time is different
And now is the time for defiance
Just as those before
And those to come.

The way of the world is death
But there are so many ways to die
Dying in the mind
Like dying in the flesh
Rotting from the head down.

It is time to throw the fish away
And it is time
To stand like we once did
In the name of something greater
Than insolent swine.

Let others play with words
And let them throw darts
At a safe distance
Playing for time
And deluding themselves.

The greatest victories
Are yet to come
No matter how hopeless it seems
Or how pointless it appears.

For all of this is joke
And all of this is a lie
Better lost than remembered
And better crushed
Than immortalized.

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