Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Vacuous 1/15/2013

Some people have a black hole
In the middle of their heart
Sucking everything in,
And letting nothing out.

Endlessly searching for a soul
Or just something they see
Something to solve who they are
And tell them what to be.

Deriving value only from appearance
They have a void to fill
So they try to fill it with anything
Or anyone.

They will give you what you want
But only for a little while
Just enough to draw you in
And suck away your life.

Always looking for something
And not caring, if its fake, or maybe real
Something to possess, and control
Or maybe just to steal.

They have stolen from many
And they have stolen from me
But their time is almost over
So I’ll just wait
And let them be.

And I shall watch them disappear
Gone in an instant
Never to be remembered
Or reappear.

Sucked into the vacuum
Back to where they’re from
A deep, dark abyss
Inside of nothing
Black, empty, and dumb.

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