Monday, January 28, 2013

Blind Man's Bluff

Blind Man’s Bluff 1/28/2013

If you want to know the problem
Then look at the clock
Because time is running out
And that is, what they want.

When you are winning
What is it, that you do?
But stall for time
Until the clock runs out.

Creating distractions
Until the tipping point has passed
And then throwing up their hands
Because by then, it’s too late to question
And no one gives a damn.

The future makes no difference
Once the damage is done
Even if you were right
And even if you are dead.

Some will die
And some are born
But millions have come
And there are,
Millions more.

Eventually complacency comes
And we forget the shock
And what was a horror
Becomes the routine.

Time changes
But only a fool
Would make things worse
Unless that is what they want
And that is what they love.

Even doing nothing
Is a fateful choice
As the future collapses
In and on itself.

Some will wring their hands
And say “what went wrong?”
When you could see it all along
And no one did a thing.

Cowed into a corner
And afraid to tell the truth
We sit and watch it unravel
Bleeding out and lost.

Nothing is inevitable
But that is what you hear
Because they want you to give up
And live with the fear.

We are sold out
And we are betrayed
All for a little bit of power
And a few dollars more.

The frog is boiled
And we are done
Unless we wake up
And cut off the power.

It makes no sense
To pace in your cage
But rather to think
And do what you can.

The first man shall be a criminal
And there are always those
Who pay the price
But if not us, then who
And if not now, then when.

Unplug the power
And stop feeding the beast
Making the most of what you have
And treasuring the truth.

A bluff is a bluff
And a lie is a lie
No matter how many times
You say it
Nothing happens
And nothings done.

The ship is sinking
And all the rats will escape
Just as dumb as they are lucky
Parasitic and cold.

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