Friday, January 4, 2013


Limbo 1/4/2013

Today the building is full of people
But I am alone in the dark
Because how can a fish live out of water
Or a man walk after death.

No one was ever meant
To live like this
Nothing but a an impediment to progress
Mucking up all the gears.

Like a ghost
Unaware he is dead
Still going through the motions
And unwilling to let go.

Still holding on to an old house
Even though others own it now
Opening and shutting the doors
And dragging chains up the stairs.

I am the ghost
And I have died
The old life over
And stuck in limbo.

Unable to make the transition
Between this world and the next
With too much unfinished business,
Regret, and anger.

Time is the hardest thing
A one way street of inevitable destruction
Wearing us down
Until we die.

There is no going back
And wisdom is such a precious thing
Arriving too late to change
The mistakes we already made.

So what are we to do?
Nothing but pause and remember
Never again forgetting
To embrace or act.

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