Friday, January 11, 2013


Pearls 1/11/2013

If you have never suffered
Then just give it time
Because everything happens to everyone
If you live long enough.

I thought I knew
What everything felt like
But I had a lot to learn
So now I know to be thankful
And keep it to myself.

In time
Everything comes around
Because even the mighty fall
And are eaten by ants.

The end began
Before I was born
But something’s take time
And that’s why
I’m still here.

Unthinkable things happen
And we become blind to the truth
Desensitized into extinction
Because everything is a lie.

When everything is fake
It makes the truth seems crazy
And reality has become a movie
Edited after the fact.

The truth could be out there
And more horrifying than we guess
But would we even believe it
If we heard it?

I didn’t happen overnight
Much like the person
That I am
Broken, healed,
And broken again
All the way to the end.

For what purpose
Are we here?
And for what reason
Do we confide?

The odds are more
Than a million to one
That I could ever write this
And someone else read it.

But here we are
Against everything
We ever knew
Facing each other
And facing eternity
Without a purpose or a clue.

My name doesn’t matter
I learned that a long time ago
As dumb and naked
As I was born
But a lot less innocent
Than I was before.

But even the most humble man
Can hit upon a truth
A golden nugget in the dirt
Or a diamond in the dust.

For me the truth is my treasure
And eternity my goal
To find the peace of knowing
That I did the best I could.

There are others who will act
And there are others who will speak
But it is I alone
Who has set the sails
That determine where I go.

Take this and take them all
And do with it
What you want
Finding the pearl of wisdom
And discarding the rest.

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