Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Almost 1/23/2013

Do not let
Your head hang low
And be not troubled
Though your enemies gloat.

Those who have learned
Know that this must come
When many fall away
And a few stand strong.

For many are those
Born in ignorance
Subsisting on mere food
And drink.

But we live by more
And we shall not perish
Even if we lose
And even if we die.

A fool acts in shallow emotion
Without ever contemplating
Meaning or restraint
Never questioning himself
Or reaching higher.

But the good are different
And God has touched our souls
Filling us up
With wisdom
And fire.

I shall have what I need
And the spirit is strong
Stronger than flesh
And stronger than the world.

The world is heavy
And rotten to the core
As it gushes over evil men
And punishes the good.

Their bodies are dragged
In the street
Naked and bloody
Desecrated and defiled.

Like animals
They howl with laughter
Mocking the good
And stomping on the injured.

Wear their hatred with honor
And walk in the truth
Never giving in
And never giving up.

They shall spend their fury
But only for a little while
Until all of them fall dead
Unworthy and forgotten.

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