Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Hive

The Hive 1/29/2013

Man is bigger than a bug
And God is bigger than man
Watching and waiting
As we tunnel and fight.

We scramble over each other
In pursuit of nothing
Struggling in a puddle of water
Until we drown.

We sting and we bite
Reflexively attacking
And dying
Unconscious and unaware.

Becoming what we always were
A part of the earth
A cog in the lifecycle
Useful and parasitic.

Divided by tribe
And divided by appearance
Invading each other
To subjugate and murder.

Insects worship their queens
And some men worship their kings
Looking for a savior
In flesh and blood.

In that we are just as soulless
Spiritless and dead
Just dirt and dust
Flying through the air.

The greatest gift was giving
But we have eaten it all up
More of a plague
Than a blessing.

Who could blame God
For dousing us with gas
And lighting up a match
To burn us all away.

To start us all over
Once more without the baggage
Young, pure, and innocent
Sinless and sanctified.

Who am I to judge
What is in the heart of God
Unworthy of his notice
But thankful
For his grace.

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