Thursday, January 3, 2013


The Breakaway 1/3/2012

The truth stares at us
Every single day
In the dead eyes of a clerk
Or the carnage on the news.

Thankless, rude, and vain
We have used up our excuses
As we fall down a mountain
Of debt and delusion.

Centuries of history
Are erased in a generation
As we conveniently forget
All the good
And all the work.

Force fed the opiates
Of guilt and surrender
We are cowed into submission
One inch at a time.

Told that resistance is futile
And punished for the truth
We learn to be quiet
And we learn to be meek.

But the truth is worse
Than anything we imagined
Because they want more
Than just our money
Or acquiescence.

Servitude and slavery
Punishment and death
These are the goals of the ignorant
To satisfy their hate.

But nothing is inevitable
And yes even they shall fail
Sooner or later
To take their place
In the trash heap of man.

A few rebels have changed the world
Many times over
And a few can turn the tide
If they know who to ask
And who to serve.

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