Thursday, January 10, 2013

Original Intent

Original Intent 1/10/2013

I wonder what they expected
That I would just curl up and die
Or that I would just fade into memory
And quietly disappear.

Gone without a trace
Like a long lost missing person
Identified and preserved
On a single piece of paper.

But most people don’t think at all
Too self absorbed to question
Blissfully unaware
And wildly over confident.

They go one from one thing to another
Without ever perceiving the truth
Just following the prevailing opinion
And buying it all for sale.

Automatically assuming that they know best
With a whole lot of artificial pride
Spoon fed from birth
To feel entitled
And deserving.

People become options
And individuality becomes a scourge
Something to be aggressively discouraged,
And actively denied.

But life doesn’t always work out
The way we think it will
And sometimes even the forgotten
Can come back
To haunt your dreams.

In the sky
The ghost ships are circling
And in the depths
The rocks are shifting.

The world has turned over
But it’s not over yet
Because in the end
Everything pops back up
Just like it always was.

I am still here
And I am still trying
Holding my place
With thoughts of my own.

Life will beat you up
And circumstance
Can knock you around
From one day to the next
Bouncing against the walls.

But it’s up to me
Where I go from here
Another day and another decision
To stay or to go.

To go down
And sleep in the dust
Or rise up
And open my mouth.

To remember or forget
And to accept or reject
But it’s the choice that matters
To each his own.

There are many who think
That they know better
About who I am
And what I should do.

But I prefer freedom
And all that it entails
The right to pursue whatever passion
And aspire to whatever I will.

Nothing in this world is certain
And nothing is guaranteed
No matter what we try to do
Or who we try to control.

God will confound man
And in the end
He will make the choice
Tearing down all false pretense
And the socially engineered.

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