Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Headlong 1/8/2013

If there was one thing I could ask
For myself or for others
What would it be?
Because nothing seems to last
Or ever matter.

I wasted a lot of years
Searching for answers
Answers that never came
Except when the damage was done
And it was too late.

It is the truth
No matter how hidden
Because without it
Life is purposeless.

We are raised to believe
That there is no truth
But nothing is more calamitous
Than relative subjectivity.

It eats away the heart
Like a cancer
Leaving us empty and cruel
Mocking everything
And producing nothing.

Heaping scorn on others
As we manipulate messages
Fudging the numbers
And hiding the facts.

We are taught to avoid pain
And back away from fire
But I say to keep on going
Diving right in
Fearless and free.

For what the world desires
Is to stop you in your tracks
By intimidation and ostracism
To silence opposition
And kill debate.

To marginalize their enemies
With a single baseless accusation
Allowing them to continue
Leading lambs off a cliff.

But words or bullets
Can never kill the soul
And my spirit keeps going
Burning up the street.

May the truth well up
And come like a tidal wave
Sweeping everything away
Wiping everything clean
And new.

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