Monday, July 2, 2012

The Young Lions

The Young Lions 7/2/2012

Take this truth
And hold it up in the sun
That nothing is more important
Than what we give away.

The good times come and go
And so will all the money
For the better or for the worse
Love and even hate
Flourish and fade.

But I am still here
Even after they are gone
The sole survivor
Trying to feel his way forward
And find his way home.

We were brothers
And now they are gone
Blown away
Like dust in a storm.

Spread out in all directions
And impossible to find
Yet still as close as ever
On the other side of life.

Words are only words
And how we perceive the world
Can make all the difference
As either we give each day a chance
Or fall backwards on ourselves.

We can live in fear
And stay in the shallow waters
Or we can dive in
Plumbing the depths
Of knowledge and wisdom.

In ten thousand years
Time will have no meaning
Because forever is what we’ll have
Brothers together
And brothers forever.

We can wonder how we will make it
Or we can know that we will
Watching the world fall apart
Or building it back again.

The spirit is calling us friends
And joining us together
Reaching out with invisible hands
Just to gather us home.

We are an unlikely bunch
Finding each other
As we seek to understand
Coming together
Against all the odds of eternity
Right here and right now.

Joined by God
One in the other
Spreading the spirit
All over the world.

I will see you all
And you will see me
All of us as one
And all of us forever.

What God has found
No man can lose
And what God has joined
Even death cannot break.

What was lost
Will return
A thousand times better
Better than what we were
And more alive than ever.

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