Wednesday, July 25, 2012

End of the Line

End of the Line 7/25/2012

The news is full of distractions
And our heads are full of ourselves
Preoccupied with the day to day
Guided by consumerism
And treading water.

Too busy to notice the shell game
To find out the truth
With lie on top of lie
And no ball at all.

A confidence game
Played with straw men
All set up to play
And snag away your cash.

Rigged from the beginning
So it doesn’t matter if you watch
Because the winner is already picked
And you can always tell
Just the reason why.

You might wonder
Where all the money went
But it is all our own fault
Too soft and too spoiled
And now the bills are due.

Everyone wants to be liked
And everyone loves to be praised
But even kindness has its limits
When the wolf is at the door.

A wise man looks a little deeper
Deep enough to see the future
Because if you don’t say no
They you mean yes
To more, and more, and more.

It’s easy to point fingers
If you pick a safe target
But unless you address the root
Nothing is done
And no one is safe.

Some people love money
And some of them love Power
Over regulating some
And ignoring others.

Money greases the wheels
And social unrest intimidates politicians
Nothing like murdering and looting
To ruin the profits
And spoil the view.

Too little and too late
We arrive at the crossroads
Out of wind
And out of time.

Breeding like bacteria
Are unintended consequences
Because we all looked the other way
Never bothering to protect
What was ours to keep.

The tipping point has come
And all is about to burst
As the burden becomes to great
For any man to lift.

As the takers overwhelm the givers
And there is nothing left to steal
Because they have killed all the creators
Just to make it all fit.

Time travels in a line
Accumulating debt, guilt, and regret
Slowing down and speeding up
And getting heavier every day.

Overburdened and corrupted
It stretches under the weight
Until it either breaks
Or snaps back
To a new reality.

What was once sacred
Is now a joke
And what was once reviled
Now becomes an honor.

The tail leads the head
And the dead eat the living
As we slumber in our dreams
And think we are awake.

On our way to another day
We stagger towards the slaughter house
In perfect straight lines
One after another
And one at a time.

But unlike sheep or cows
We can choose how we die
Either like chickens
Or like men.

Lifting up our heads
And opening our eyes
With a new heart
And nothing to lose
And everything to gain.

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