Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Tesseract

The Tesseract 7/3/2012

There was a secret passage
Behind the fire place
A place to hide
And a short cut
From one world to the next.

It was a place
And it was a time
Long gone and far away
But never forgotten
And richer with time.

The walls and ceiling
Were lathe and plaster
And the attic had a tunnel
All around the eaves.

It was a place
Where the imagination ran wild
Bigger and better
Than the world I knew.

At night I listened to the clocks
And marked time by the chimes
Every hour and half hour
Long ago and far away.

There was a stillness
That you could feel
And a heaviness of time
As if time stood still
On those long summer days.

I laid on my bed
And read my books
Stories of adventure and mystery
Unlocking doors of destiny
Inside of my mind.

In the attic
Was an old television
Opening windows on a world
Now long since closed.

At the end of programing
When I switched off the dial
The world collapsed into a dot
Glowing on the screen.

Time and space
Alter our locations
And I have entered the unknown
A future invisible
Inside of the past.

But I am marked by the world
Sliced, diced and burned
By experience
And indifference.

Somewhere in between
Something crawled out
And poisoned the world
Killing everything
One degree at a time.

We rise up
And then come down in flames
Speeding to the end
Without any hope at all.

Cut from behind
And murdered in our sleep
The victim of our own design
Caring for everyone
But ourselves.

I slept in a bed
Safe in the past
The one that my father had built
And the one he repaired.

But others have let it rot
And others have scaled the walls
Slipping in the cracks
Everywhere they could.

The good lack the courage
To do what must be done
Softened by success
And spoiled by time.

Because we covered up the truth
And pretended it wasn’t there
Calling ourselves monsters
And retreating everywhere.

But I am not one for lies
And I have seen enough to know
That respect must be earned
Or it means nothing at all.

Some men roam the street
Looking for something to kill
Laughing at their victims
Before the break and run.

If hatred is what they want
Then that is what they will get
And if war is what they crave
They shall die en masse.

Laying out in the street
Food for the dogs
Licking up the blood
And vomiting on the rest.

We will all return
To what it is we are
The purpose of our death
The same as our birth.

Everything shrinks to pin point
And that is what is left
Nothing we can hold
And nothing we can change.

Slipping out of time
We become the essential self
Moving inside the spaces
That no one can see.

Faster than the speed of light
We emerge in the beginning
In a new world
Perfect and immortal.

There will be nothing to decay
And we will see where we were
Everything we thought
And everything we did.

Compelled to stand
And take our place
Waiting for the word
We never thought would come.

Live for then
And live for the truth
Buried but for a moment
And together forever.

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