Friday, June 29, 2012

Threading the Needle

Threading the Needle 6/29/2012

Each and every day
The world gets grayer
As free men lose their options,
Identity, and free will.

Herded like sheep
And separated in pens
Arbitrarily selected for favors
Or for servitude.

Prodded by punishment
And rewarded with food
Taught out to think
And trained what to do.

Weighed judged and rated
Without a mind of our own
And murdered when we are old
With nothing left to give.

The world turns upside down
As the tail wags the dog
And the feet
Outrun the brain.

Told what to do
And told what to feel
Conditioned to weep
And conditioned to eat.

We have given up our power
One paper at a time
Relinquishing our freedom
For the fools we elect.

Sold out for a song
And offered up as a sacrifice
Just to please the masses
That only serve themselves.

I am threading the needle
With words, thoughts and prayers
Sincerely remembered
And relentlessly pursued.

I am coming home
And nothing will stop me
Just like nothing ever did
Because they knew
And so did I.

Fear is a deep black hole
Cold, dead and frozen
Holding us back
Paralyzed and silent.

Keeping us docile
And keeping us in place
But deep down it just a bluff
And nothing but a joke
Lies, and more lies
All covered with smoke.

The battle has been raging
And I have been fighting forever
Waging war inside my head
Between the good and the bad.

But at the end of the day
I have to make a choice
Owning it fully
And swallowing it whole.

I am ten times the man
That I once was
Bigger than life
Fearless and determined.

And no longer does it matter
What anyone might think
Whether I am the loved
Or the hated.

They can call me what they want
And they can think what they will
Because I am more than certain
Of who I am
And what I believe.

For what in the world
Can man ever do
Sure as hell
Nothing worthy of dread
Or fear.

If you can live through the pain
And you can live through loss
What are words or money?
Nothing to fear, avoid or dread.

I have the scars to prove it
But I don’t care at all
Staring them down
With no time for excuses
Or apologies.

They can make speeches
And they can twist the facts
But we know what the truth is
And we know the reason why.

I have seen them before
Small minded, hateful and dumb
Always blaming someone else
And always looking to steal.

They can yell all they want
But their time is almost here
Because inside they are empty
Useless, worthless, dumb and dead.

They power will disappear
And they will be shut out
Hiding in the bushes
Hoping that no one sees.

Their time is coming
And nothing will stop it now
Approaching like a whirlwind
Churning up dirt, dust and man.

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