Thursday, July 12, 2012

Whatever you want

Whatever 7/12/2012

All it takes is a second
And everything we loved
crumbles and disappears
As our lives hang in the balance
Between one decision
And the next.

We muddle through the days
Without thought or question
Never knowing who we really are
Or what we really want.

Born with a longing in our heart
But without the understanding
To even search out the cure
Or know what we need.

By the time we know
The horse has left the barn
And we stand around
With our hands in our pockets
And staring at the ground.

We hold on to things
That have no value
But let go of precious love
Like we never knew it at all
And often never did.

Taking for granted the priceless gift
For a few moments of make believe
Another treasure in the dead letter file
Unclaimed and forgotten.

But when I die
It will not matter what I did
Or even what I accomplished
But rather what I gave
And how I loved.

Each day we are assaulted
By a million messages
As the world begs for attention
To either acquire our money
Or manipulate our mind.

Begging us to listen
And begging us to escape
As if the perfect life
Is only a click away.

But reality is what we have
And it is happening now
Pouring in and pouring out
Like water in our hands.

This could be
Our greatest moment
The one and most important decision
That we or any other
Will ever face.

Many are those
Who sit on the fence
Never sure and never certain
Wasting their time
And wasting their breath.

Arguing themselves into in action
And hoping for the best
But in the end
They die unremembered
And wasted.

Some get pulled over
And choose their life by default
Giving in to the prevailing winds
Or swept away by childish emotions.

A victim of their feelings
And a sacrifice for others
Giving themselves up
To become someone else.

Surrendering their life
To make others happy
And dying without a whisper
As they run off the cliff.

Giving in and giving up
To the path of least reisistence
Without every truly thinking
Of who it destroys
Or where it leads.

It is long past time
For me to decide
Because the easy way out
Is almost never the best.

I have decided
To jump the fence
And keep on running
Taking the siding of liberty.

My life in my own hands
To either succeed or fail
Free to seek and understand
And free to learn and grow.

To be something greater
Than a demographic slot
And something more meaningful
Than a paper tiger
To be bullied or bought.

Resist the end
And let not the hands take you
Smashing you down
Just to make you fit
And make you hurt.

This is the world that we have made
And this is the time we have
Now and this day
To reach higher
Or grovel in the mud.

But if I am free
Then I will have to choose
Something better
And something deeper
Than just a spectator
In a made up world.

You and me
Have the time
And we also have the means
To make the world over again
Better than before.

But only if we will
And only when we do
Because its not enough to wait
And its not enough to dream.

If you are loved
Then love back
And if you are blessed
Than love everyone.

But if you suffer
Then you will know
What it means to be tested
And given so very much more.

Love anyway
And smile through the pain
Taking back all that was lost
Plus much, much more.

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