Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chronic Condition

Chronic Condition 7/11/2012

It was seven years ago
That it first crawled in my heart
Coming in through the back door
With deception on its mind
And murder in its heart.

I was a fool
Unaware of the truth
Blindly fumbling though life
Pretending I was alive.

Thinking I knew what to do
And I knew what to fear
Wasting my energy
On useless battles.

I got the message
In the middle of the night
But even the sender never knew
The deception in his head.

One action leads to another
But only God can see it all
As our motives
Bring us down
And slowly tear us apart.

There is no escape
And there are no easy answers
Nothing to explain it away
And nothing to make it better.

Something’s exist
Either for better
Or for worse
Products of our choices
And random disaster.

The good die
And sometimes they die
In our arms
As we feel the death fever
Burning up their hands.

While evil survives
Pitiless and cruel
Stealing everything
And killing everyone.

Even a parasite
Should know when to stop
Before it kills the host
And starves to death.

But, even the devil cannot help it
Because evil is evil
No matter what it wants
Devouring itself
Just to prove a point.

Just to win
And just to make it hurt
Spiraling out of control
And spreading like a germ.

So much is wasted
And so much is lost
Spreading from one mouth to another
Filth, mold, death, and rot.

Nothing is new
And we should have learned before
That history repeats itself
Visiting the same wrath
Generation after generation.

We quickly forget
And the easy smiles
Melt the heart
So that we pretend we are immortal
And nothing will ever hurt.

We see the signs
But ignore them
Because it is always someone else
Someone else’s problem
And someone else’s pain.

Softened by comfort
And paralyzed with fear
So afraid to lose our favor
That we never say a word.

It takes great effort to rise
So all too often we fall
Sinking into the mud
Stuck in place
By inaction and timidity.

He knows our weakness
And burrows into our heads
Squirming into our fevered brains
With doubt, imaginations, and dread.

Evil has come
And the curse continues
Bleeding us white
One way or another.

Hiding in the shadows
In the back of our mind
And dwelling in the thoughts
Of the powerful
And the vain.

Just looking for the perfect time
And searching out the perfect men
Those above the law
And beyond reproach.

Accustomed to deception
And the age old sleight of hand
As they deal behind your back
And under the table.

Concealing their motives
And white washing their hatred
Covering up their tracks
On their way to the end.

Ferocious when attacked
But meek when hunting
Just as needy as they are violent
Taking everything
And manipulating everyone.

If you have lived you have seen
The naked face of evil
Smiling on the outside
And dead on the inside.

Remember the look
And never forget the reasons
Becuase if we don't learn now
Maybe we never will.

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