Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Sideways Smile

Sideways Smile 7/24/2012

Sometimes even the worst
Is better than what you think
Because desperate men
Do desperate things
Exposing the truth
In the nick of time.

Hardship is still hardship
And my circumstances
Have still not changed
But the change has come
Inside and all around.

No longer do I care
What it is, that others do
And no longer does it hurt
When my enemies
Mock or ridicule.

Happy men
Are seldom cruel
And most
Are confident with victory.

Without a need to justify
Or a point to prove
But happily enjoying the fruits
Of labor and duty.

But a haunted man
Will always try to fill
His emptiness with meaning
And his inferiority
With hatred.

Welcome their lies
And laugh at their comparisons
Because then you know
The mask has fallen
And all shall know
Who they are.

Soon enough to perish
And soon enough to disappear
Missed by none
And never remembered.

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