Friday, July 6, 2012

Zero Hour

Zero Hour 7/6/2012

Let it all explode
And watch the fires burn
Dodging the fragments
As they shoot everywhere.

Fire all your guns
Until the barrels melt
Without any hesitation
And without any regret.

Let the fires rage
And burn out of control
Taking everything
And leaving nothing.

The horrors can mount
But the world can wait
Because it is all about to end
At least for now
And at least for here.

Oh beautiful end
How I have longed to see you
Watching you from afar
And waiting for you to happen.

So this is hell on earth
But how many even know it?
As the watch our world ebb away
And sink into to chaos.

Spinning around in circles
And going nowhere fast
And dragging around our tombstones
Without a thought
And without a plan.

Becoming fools for fodder
With our blood and guts
To grease the wheels
As the statists go on
Like tomorrow never comes.

Maybe not today
And maybe not tomorrow
But the animals roam the street
Gnashing their teeth
And looking for food.

Men speak lies
To inflame the passions
Rousing the foolish
To kill and plunder.

But the end must come
For the giant to awake
Finally raising his hand
To crush everything
And everyone.

Yes their end is coming
And you can almost see it now
Feeling it in the earth
With every rattle and tremor.

Even if we die
What is there to fear?
Nothing but sleep and dreams
As the spirit flies away.

He will make my bones stand together
And he will cover them with flesh
Building me back
Better than before
Ten times better
And ten times enough.

The circle remains
And love remains

Rising up to full height
More than enough to see
Staring at the face of death
And the horror it breeds.

How I love you
My beautiful end
No matter the destruction
Or the terror.

We get what we deserve
And we reap
What we have planted
A deadly harvest
Of poison and rot.

So bring the end
And let the masks
Fall to the ground
At last to see the truth
And all the hidden intentions
Just as beautiful
As it is horrible.

Where will you go
When the end comes?
And where will you hide
When the looters come?

Love me truly
And love me deeply
Because I am here
Shouting from the rooftops.

No beginning can come
Without an ending
And no truth can manifest
Without a reckoning
And without blood.

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