Friday, July 20, 2012


Uhinged 7/20/2012

Gravity holds the body down
But our minds are fee to wander
Skipping over the invisible boundaries
Between decency and madness.

There are many worlds
And the one we see
Is what we make it
As we go through the motions
Of circumstance and fate.

In the beginning
We are full of hope
But life has many disappointments
Cutting us down to size
And leaving us all alone.

Desperation is never far
From disappointment and anger
If we allow our minds
To spin and spiral
Thinking the worst
Instead of the best.

Thinking ourselves in circles
So that we cannot see
That there is always a way out
Of every black abyss.

But some would rather be victims
Of their own twisted logic
Preferring death to change
And murder to sorrow.

Determined to satisfy their feelings
No matter who it hurts
Or who it destroys
Acting act their fantasies
As messengers of death.

But the real world is here
And what we do
Spreads like a germ
Infecting everything
And everyone.

Horror begets horror
And hatred begets violence
As man turns on himself
And kills his own.

A dying world
Is like a wounded animal
Violently mauling
Even those he loves.

Because his brain is fire
And his insides are rotting
Driving him insane
Before convulsions and death.

But even demons on the brain
Cannot destroy what is good
For the good and innocent
Live forever.

A better place awaits
And a new world is born
From the pangs of the old
Corrupted and dead.

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