Friday, June 1, 2012

For Patrick

For Patrick 6/1/2012

Sometimes you get what you want
And sometimes you don’t
But man only knows in part
And only God knows it all.

I never dreamed
That life could be so hard
Bad things happened to other people
And I myself
Was immune.

And I never knew
Just how pointless life could be
As I spun my wheels
Running in place
Wasting months, years, and decades.

We always think
That life will get better
But that is only half the truth
As all our work crumbles
With one single mistake
On one single day.

But when you lose everything
And still hold up your head
Then you know
And begin to realize
That life goes on.

But even in the midst of tragedy
There can be unexpected blessings and joy
Opportunities to grow
Laugh and love.

I never planned for Patrick
But some of the best things in life
Are blessings we never expected
Or even knew we needed.

The heart grows with use
And our capacity to love
Will never be reached
Because there is always room for more
And there is always hope.

He has come into my life
Unexpected and unrequested
Like a blazing meteor across the sky
Bright, beautiful, and loving.

His smile melts my heart
And for him
I would give up my life
A pure and perfect opportunity
To leave the world
A better place.

He came to me
In the middle
Of a long dark night of the soul
An incredible gift
Unrequested and undeserved.

A new life
And a new family
A new beginning
At half past midnight.

He has joined the family
And he has joined my life
A new child
That just like the rest,
That I will always love the first
And I will always love the most.

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