Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Backwards Glance

A Backwards Glance 6/12/2012

Violence, horror,
Tragedy, and death
Are the things that happen
To other people
Distant, foreign
Strangely fascinating
And somehow routine.

We think we are careful
And think we are wise
Too smart to suffer
And too smart to die.

But tragedy comes to the good
As well as the bad
Catching us midstride
Halfway home.

And then we are speechless
Staring at the sky
Wondering what we did
And begging to know why.

Balling up our fists
And breaking down doors
Cursing at the sun
Cruel and cheerful.

Through accident, malice
Or an error of judgment
We are fine one moment
And devastated the next.

Facing the consequences
Of a cruel twist of fate
As we face the end
All alone, and weeping.

Yes there is evil in the world
And yes there is a price
But everyone pays
More than once or twice.

Someone suffers the loss
And someone endures the lash
Bearing down under the blows
Silent and stoic.

But there is no thank you
And there is no parade
No golden watch
And no tearful goodbyes.

No, not all go in glory
And many go unsung
Randomly selected
To drink from the cup
Standing up straight
To take it in the gut.

Another day has passed
And I am no longer surprised
That those I love suffer
And that I can't change a thing.

The world goes on
Just like it always has
But what does it matter
For those who are gone
Cut off and finished
For good or for bad.

I will never be that man again
The one who thought
That he was immune
Impervious to pain
Perfect and immortal.

It could be cancer
Or it could be a wreck
Drugs, divorce
Or a bullet in the neck.

So full of life
And so full of love
Crushed for the sins of others
To crumble into dust.

If you ever prayed in a hospital chapel
Then you know how it feels
Sitting in the waiting room
And grasping for hope.

No man is perfect
But all men have suffered
Praying for strength enough
To surive
And try again.

For another day
And for another chance
To be known
And understood
The best of who we are
Or ever hope to be.

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