Monday, June 25, 2012

Buried Together

Dead and Buried 6/25/2012

Together we live
And together we will die
Joined by a silver cord
One soul to another.

Together we are buried
And together we rest
Sleeping in the dust
And dreaming we are awake.

Together we have struggled
And together we have suffered
Climbing up, falling down,
Just to stand and fight again.

We who know
Just what it feels like
To live and die
And to love and lose.

To be the same
Whether happy or sad
And to smile
With everything
Or with nothing.

But we are not connected
By where we are from
Or even how we look
Not by our name
And not by a place.

We have all made the choice
To fill the hole in our hearts
Accepting the love of God
Through faith and conscience.

It is this that has joined us
And transformed us
From the inside out
Each and everyone
A part of the same.

Now we are brothers
In the oldest family
Living through the footsteps
Of those who come before.

Joined in life
And joined in suffering
Paying the price
Once and for all.

But we who have died
Died with him
Giving it all up
To take it back again.

Together we have lost
And together we remember
Absolved of the past
And pardoned by the blood.

We have wept
For those we miss
But we are one in the same
In death
And in life.

As Christ has risen
So shall we
Forever together
And forever free.

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