Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A taste of the dark

An appetite for blood 6/13/2012

What if you could see something
That no one else had seen
And what if you could glimpse a truth
That you could scarcely believe.

What if you got a promise
And what if you got a gift
One of a kind and perfect
Unrequested and undeserved.

But all great things
Come at a price
And all great efforts
Come with great risk.

Derailed and thrown off course
By the smallest of mistakes
Where deceit and deception
Crawled through the cracks.

Exploiting every weakness
And throwing out every distraction
Anything to prevent
And anything to ruin.

Bringing low the good
Just to see if they will quit
And taking everything they love
Just to see if they will give in.

These are the times
When I feel like giving up
When I have reached out
And come home empty.

When I had asked and been denied
And when I have pleaded
And been ignored
Ridiculed, mocked, and forgotten
And cut down from behind.

You might ask yourself
Is this how it ends
As life comes undone
And snowballs out of control.

Growing larger and larger
As the stakes grow higher
And there is no way out
Without loss
Or without pain.

That is when you will know
Who it really is
That is your friend
And that is when you will learn
What it means to die to self.

Then the nights shall lengthen
And the days become a blur
As you struggle to find your feet
And learn to walk again.

Because it’s hard to live
Without anyone to help
And God knows it’s easier to fall
Than it ever is to rise.

At least not for the good
And not for the honest
Because some people get all the help
And others just get the debt.

We are born
With leeches on our neck
Sucking out our blood
Just as fast
As we can make it.

Taking everything
But producing nothing
Robbing our strength
And weakening our defenses.

The leeches are the violent
Who rule by manipulation
And threat
Filled with hatred and deceit
And corrupt to the core.

Without any moral constraints
They moan and complain
Getting anything the want
Through intimidation and threat.

But every man
Has a different fight
And only God can
Pay the price.

The bone is pointing
Directly at the cause
A cold and deadly prediction
Of the next axe to fall.

I have seen this before
And I am aiming dead center
All the way backwards to the beginning
And straight at the cause.

The reason I suffered
And the reason I lost
Separated from family
To suffer the pains of the present
With the ghosts of the past.

There is no need to prove
What you already know
And there is no need to argue.
If they can’t see the truth.

There is no need to fear death
And you can guess the reason why
But fear is something that they will learn
Forever hungry
And forever alone.

I am pointing my finger
At the dead hand of truth
Staring straight at the end
With my eyes burning through.

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