Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thin Ice

Walking on Ice 6/19/2012

On the surface
All is calm
Nothing is spoken
And nothing is done.

Nothing changes
But everything rots
Making life harder and harder
Adding layer after layer
Of cold dead ideas.

Our hearts have thickened
Until we can’t feel a thing
Fumbling around in the dark
As we huddle together
Without feeling and without love.

I have asked
For the right words to come
To pour out and spread
Fueling the passions of chance
Like gasoline to fire.

I have asked
For something better than me
Something loud and clear
Whatever the spirit will give
Without reservation
And without fear.

Summoning the warrior poet
To awaken from the ashes
Where he waits
Slowly smoldering
To awaken and write.

Some people say
That the God is dead
And that the old truths are gone
But they don’t know
And they can’t see
Because they never have
And never will..

I can feel the power flowing
Out of my soul
And out my pores
Surging with my blood
Fluid, strong and certain.

We have been sold
And we have been forgotten
Hated and abandoned
By those sworn to protect us
Who always come and go
Safe and sound.

They have run away
And left us in the battle
Without support
Or ammunition.

Traded away cheaply
For temporary praise
And political victory
To preserve the status quo
At any cost.

Our children sentenced
To the ever shrinking fringes
Harassed and disenfranchised
Every day in every way.

We have rejected the gifts
And forgotten the cost
While we lay down in the pastures
Many have died.

A man should not harbor anger
And no man should burn with hate
But no man should be so cowardly
As to ignore the gathering storm.
And no man should be so foolish
As to die in vain.

Look down and see
The ice has started to crack
Breaking under the weight
Of apathy and greed.

We have broken our promise
And shirked our obligations
Grasping at luxuries
That we could not afford.

Selling our legacy
And selling out cheap
Anything for a few days of leisure
As the winds change
And the city burns.

At the cross roads of decision
And at the point of no return
Where men either rise
Or fall.

Nothing is forever
And these riches
Don’t mean a thing
All destined to disappear
Useless and wasted.

For what is life without meaning?
Nothing but food without flavor
An existence spent spinning in circles
Altogether wasted,
Fruitless, dumb, and dead.

There will always be pain
And there will always be loss
But that is the risk
That comes with breathing
And trying.

No greater thing
Shall I ever do
Than to boldly speak the truth
And there is nothing more heroic
Than sacrificing our reputation
For love and salvation.

I live and I love
And I shall get up again tomorrow
Not for me
But for those who come after.

You can hear the drums beating
And I can feel the battle coming
Grinning like a deaths head
In the sky.

But death no longer smiles
And hell itself
Lives in fear
Because no matter what happens
The good endure.

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