Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lead Balloon

Lead Balloons 6/28/2012

These are the times
That defy explanation
As we listen to the proud
Speak, bark, and wail.

Their masks have fallen
And their hatred is apparent
Plain as day under the sun
For all the world to see.

They who have hated the good
Take advantage, any way they can
Through manipulation and threats
They have spent away our future.

This they have done
Not out kindness
Or concern for others
But simply to destroy
And to steal.

If you are offended
And if you are angry
Then rest assured
You are not the first
And you are not the last.

For these are the times of confusion
As evil expends all his bile
Spewing lies on top of lies
And threats on top of threats.

I too know what it feels like
To feel disgusted, embittered
Shocked and offended
But now is not the time to be angry
But rather a time to remember.

Evil is called good
And good called evil
But the last word
Is still yet to come
A long time coming
But full of fury.

Many have traded away their souls
And many have been threatened
Soulless, spineless, and defeated
Dumb as a stump
And dead as a door nail.

The good have been compromised
By evil and corruption
Cut off at the knees
And broken by the wheel.

But now is not the time for anger
But for contemplation
Because things must get worse
Before they ever get better.

Evil will be defeated
And the truth will be exposed
But not before many have suffered
And not before its time.

You might ask me
How it is that I know
Because of faith,
Experience, and knowledge
Knowing the end from the beginning
As it was written
And as it was said.

God is alive
And God also knows
The last and final word
Beyond mans
Fearful and stupid.

I am not afraid
And I will not be turned around
And undefeated.

Though others may hate us
And legislate our slavery
They too shall be undone
In nothing more than an hour.

They will be shamed
And they will be destroyed
With no chance of appeal
And no room to argue.

The loud and the ignorant
Will be silenced at last
Gnashing their teeth
And banished from sight.

No more to blame
And no more to hate
Hiding from God
And running away.

His eyes shall burn them through
And they shall disappear
Gone forever
Outside and alone.

Those who have suffered
Will be free
The chains of guilt falling away
To rust at their feet.

The violent thieves
And cruel usurpers
Shall cower and hide
But it will do no good
Convicted for their hatred
And punished for their pride.

Do not despair
That others have spent your future
And do not fear
That others pursue your life.

They are spending their power
With the fury of the times
Looting in the age of lawlessness
In every way they can.

But evil knows the time is short
And this is why he rages
Because even the demons know
That a reckoning is at hand.

God come swiftly
And shorten the days
That darkness and murder
Rule the world.

Come quickly and end the barbarity
As man attacks man
Spilling innocent blood
And laughing at their misery.

Bring down the usurpers
And bring down the proud
Condemning their hatred
And pouring out your wrath.

Yes these are the times of deception
But all good men should rejoice
For even though we suffer
And even some may die
We can know that the worse it gets
That victory is near.

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