Friday, June 8, 2012

When I close my eyes

When I close my eyes 6/8/2012

What’s done is done
And like so many things
There is nothing you can do
Nothing but get up
And bail more water.

Falling down is easy
But climbing up is hard
Digging yourself out
One shovelful at a time.

Sorry is just a word
And it can’t change the past
But even words
Are better than nothing.

I am waiting
And I am bailing
Desperately trying to save myself
And those I love.

Some people ask for help
And some people beg for more
But everyone needs something
Whether you know it, or not.

I picked out some people
Out my past
And out of my life
And I pray for them every day
Even though I cannot tell them
And probably never will.

There is nothing wrong with asking
And that is all that I do
Because all the rest is up to God
All the possible destinies
And all the possible plans.

I ask that the dull skin
Falls off of their eyes
So that they would truly know
And see the truth.

But like all gifts
Truth must be accepted
Taken into the heart
And understood.

The choice is theirs to make
At each and every intersection
Whether to turn right or left
Or just keep on going.

And mine is but to ask
That the picture be clear
The case for Christ
Just as plain as the sun
Before their eyes and ears.

Every day the offer is new
And every day we are absolved
With the beginning and the end
Both a passage
And a sign.

We all make mistakes
And sometimes
Doors close forever
But there is nothing stronger than love
And nothing stronger than God.

I take off the burdens
And the heavy chains of regret
Because killing myself
Will never change a thing.

You can say anything you want
But guilt will always find you
Coming back like a boomerang
To cut you in half.

I am not the only one
Who has wasted his time
But there is no wound
That cannot be healed
By forgiving others
And forgiving ourselves.

I have no reason
For false hope
And there is nothing so foolish
As fishing for praise.

It doesn’t matter what happens
And it doesn’t matter If I know
Because I ask for something better
And much more lasting.

Nothing short of everything
And nothing short of love
To commiserate together
Forever and free.

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