Thursday, June 14, 2012


Epicenter 6/14/2012

Sometimes fools start fires
And sometimes they survive
And sometimes they don’t
But I didn’t start this fire
Burning brightly in the sun.

But I am not the only one
Trapped in the blaze
Surrounded by flames
Spreading everywhere
And burning everything.

Engulfing you and engulfing me
As one thing leads to another
All from a tiny spark
Far away from here.

The consequences kill many
As death spreads like disease
Consuming everything
In thick black smoke.

But you can learn a lot from disaster
When the surface of normalcy
Is pierced and broken
When people get desperate
And run with a crowd.

And now is the time to look
Because now the truth is exposed
As everyone scurries around
To save, steal, or kill.

Trapped like animals
And backed up, in a corner
This is the time that matters
Revealing who we are.

Our self image
Now lies in tatters
And naked are we seen
And naked are we judged.

Caught in the act
And caught in the truth
The hidden and the secret
Revealed by the flames.

Ashes and embers
Is all that remains
Of the proud, and the mighty
The selfish, and the vain.

But not all men
Will burn the same
And not all men
Walk alone.

Next to you
And next to me
We are protected from the burn
Stronger than fire
And stronger than death.

Tested by tragedy
And purified by flame
Proved in the crucible
Shining brighter than the sun.

In me and in you
A greater thing
Than any can know
Saving us all
Acceptable forever.

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